Divine Redirection

“So those who were scattered went on their way preaching the word.”

Acts 8:4 CSB

November 18th, 2023

The Lord blessed us with great weather and a dozen volunteers ready to serve. Our prep time was a breeze, the volunteers were geared up to love on our neighbors, and it seemed like this month’s gathering was going to run extra smoothly. But this was short-lived, and not much else would go as we planned. Very very typical for God to remind me whose plan is better!

We loaded up the cars and headed to our first location, but it was surprisingly empty. At our second location, a crowd surrounded a local organization serving hot food straight off the grill. We’re always so grateful to see other groups doing this work! By the time we made it to our third spot, it was already 11:30AM.

Earlier in the week, this third location had been lined with tents, tarps, and plenty of belongings. But on Saturday morning, there were only a few people staying under the bridge. Worried that the city had swept the area and dispersed the community, we decided to split into three small teams and drive separately around the city to serve anyone we could find.

I hopped in the car with Amanda and my husband, Quentin. We made two stops, served 10 people, and went home knowing God had redirected us on purpose. In the upcoming posts, I’ll share more about the wonderful people we were blessed to cross paths with. Until then, please be praying for our dear friends!

Ashley | Travis | Easton | Sean | Tammy | Michael | Anthony | Ricky | Teresa | Cynthia


Day Hiking in the City