Joy and Generosity

In the midst of a very severe trial, their overflowing joy and their extreme poverty welled up in rich generosity. For I testify that they gave as much as they were able, and even beyond their ability.

2 Corinthians 8:2-3 NIV

After saying goodbye to Michael, we made our way to a nearby park. In the far corner, we noticed several tarps draped over filing cabinets, chairs, and other furniture, creating a sort of low-ceiling tent. We weren’t sure if anyone was home, until a woman popped out and gave us a friendly wave. We introduced ourselves and asked if she minded having visitors for a few minutes. She was happy to host!

Her name was Teresa, and she was wonderfully chatty and full of joy. She told us about her family, a little about her upbringing in the church, and about how her arthritis was making things more and more difficult. I asked how long she had been unhoused, and she answered, “only maybe.. two years?” Only two years. She mentioned that a local organization was offering housing to highly populated unhoused communities, and the most recent area to receive housing was the third location we visited. It was such a relief to know that the city hadn’t dispersed that community as we suspected, but an organization had actually housed them!

After a while, we offered Teresa a cup of hot coffee, and she asked if she could have one for Ricky, too. “Who’s Ricky?” I asked. A voice answered from inside the tent, “I’m in here!” I pulled a couple of creamers out of my hoodie pocket for the two of them, and Teresa said, “Y’all are gonna be his favorite.” Hot coffee usually wins the people over.

Ricky was comfy and warm inside his home, listening intently as Teresa told us about the macramé pieces he created in his free time. She told us how he tries to sell them to earn some extra money and how he often gives them away for free to the kiddos in the unhoused community. Teresa poked her head inside the tent and spoke to Ricky privately for a minute. She emerged with three macramé crosses in ziploc baggies. We assumed she was simply showing us his work, but she said that Ricky wanted us to keep them.

The three of us took a moment to admire Ricky’s handiwork. The crosses were made of materials found on the streets - mine was made of black and white shoelaces. Gratitude and humility washed over me, bringing tears to my eyes. In the midst of their own troubles, Ricky and Teresa poured out joy and generosity. It was such a blessing to be on the receiving end.

Ricky & Teresa requested prayers for housing and for physical healing. Please lift them up in your prayers, especially as the weather gets colder. We fully believe the Lord will provide a safe and warm home for them soon!


His Handiwork


Day Hiking in the City